Over at Nokia Conversations, Charlie Schick has an update with the development of the next generation of Nokia chargers, that use almost 90% less energy when left plugged into an outlet than the current chargers in the market also known (Going from 150 mA to 15 mA). This power being wasted as a result of leaving chargers plugged in without charging anything is called Vampire Power. He also explains the significance of this, given the fact that there are around 3 billion phones and therefore chargers out there, and therefore if all handset manufacturers would embrace energy-efficient chargers there would be less demand on the power grids.
The newest charger that utilizes this technology is the Nokia High Efficiency Charger AC-8, and you can read some interesting comparisons there between the AC-8 and the power usage of regular Nokia chargers per year. In the article there is a link to new solutions for charging phones without wasting energy as well. I admit I'm one of those people that leave their chargers plugged into the outlet, but it would be a start if we can all unplug those idling chargers. If you have multiple devices that use the same type of charger, it's better to leave one charger idling compared to having all of those chargers plugged in at the same time doing nothing.