To most prominent bloggers covering Nokia Nseries devices and avid readers following Nokia Nseries phones on the blogosphere the PR company known as WOMWorld is a familiar one. In the start of the new year they have increased their activities, and they will be promoting the brand more heavily this year. One interesting tidbit is that after they reconstructed their site, the user is now greeted with a new design on the home page. But there is more to it. Once you start reading you'll notice that they are now covering and talking about Nokia Eseries devices. I've longed waited for such an initiative.
The Eseries devices have always been left behind in major advertising campaigns by Nokia, and now there is a chance for these devices to be talked about more often. Probably since these devices are focused more on enterprise and business use, the people at Nokia thought that Word of Mouth isn't as effective as with the more consumer-oriented Nseries line. Well now that has changed, and apparently the WOMWorld team will be covering these devices in addition to the Nseries devices. With more coverage of Eseries devices, the people at Nokia will be more pressed to develop more devices in this series, which honestly makes me excited as they are for the most part are superior in build quality compared to their Nseries counterparts.
This move seems to be in conjunction of Nokia's Conversations blog going public soon as well, a site that is "not just about phones, but about people, products and services, thoughts, interests, business and more."