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March 16, 2008


Meraj Chhaya

Sounds fun lol.
Flight attendants and airline companies are a huge issue when it comes to mobile phones, South African Airways doesn't even allow flight mode enabled phones to be left on, it's really stupid.

Devin Balentina

I just stupid that they make it such a problem for using phone onboard when in offline mode. They should better educate the flight attendants about this, as most dont seem to have a clue


I am a flight attendant, and I am well aware of the flight mode in phones these days as I have one too. The thing is, its our airline regulation not to allow any kind of phones to be used on the airplane, even in flight mode. Reason for this being, its very difficult to keep track of all the passengers using their phone onboard these days, which believe me, is a quite a high percentage.

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